Nostalgia gets the better of all of us! Whether it’s thinking about a piece of candy that you used to eat as a child or that old toy that they don’t make anymore. It takes us back to a careless period of our youth when we felt the safest in our lives.
For gamers, these nostalgic moments are related to old-school video games and consoles that they used to play as kids.

Whether it was Sega, NES or PlayStation, we all fondly remember that period when we were cooked up in our room in front of the TV set spending endless hours trying to get to the next level.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane and see some newly released classic editions of old consoles that bring smiles to our faces.
NES Classic Edition
Ah, the Nintendo Entertainment System, this takes me back. But with the help of the NES Classis Edition one can reminiscence the moments of the past quite easily. NES Classic comes directly from the makers of the original and includes an HDMI port and 720p upconversion.
Best Games: The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Metroid, Mario Bros 3.
Sega Genesis Mini

Sega previously stumbled with their AtGames compilation system but hit the nail right on the head when they released the Sega Genesis Mini. It is their first console released after the Dreamcast and essentially does what the SNES Classic did for the SNES.
Best Games: Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage 2, Gunstar Heroes.
Sony PlayStation Classic
A mini version of the original Sony PlayStation makes a lot of sense. It certainly brings back nostalgia and makes us remember the good ol’ days quite fondly. However, there is a downside to it as the weak emulation does not do any favors to the rough, old-school 3D system. Another drawback is that it leaves some of the classic and most important games out like Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot.
Best Games: Metal Gear Solid 2, Resident Evil Director’s Cut, Final Fantasy VII.
Super NES Classic Edition

When Nintendo upped the ante by offering 16-bit games instead of 8-bit ones it was a revolutionary period that got everyone excited. It made perfect sense that they would release the SNES Classic Edition after the NES Classis as it essentially does the same. The technological advancements between the consoles are good enough to make you feel excited every time you grab the controller and press the Start button to play.
Best Games: Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island, Super Metroid.
Neo Geo Mini
To be honest, the Neo Geo Mini is something that arcade fans would enjoy more than console fans. But its home version is enough to bring back the old memory of popping coins into the machines for endless gameplay. It didn’t have the same commercial success as Sega or Nintendo did, but was really good to play and deserves an entry on this list.
Best Games: Metal Slug X, King of Fighters ’98, Samurai Showdown II.